Monday, January 27, 2020
Professional Relationships in Health and Social Care Context
Professional Relationships in Health and Social Care Context Developing and maintaining good relationships is central to improving outcomes for individuals and their families. The carers roles is to generate an atmosphere in which people feel their needs are being heard and understood. This requires truthfulness, sincerity and ability. (SCIE, 2010)Â Whether with individuals, their families, carers or fellow professionals and colleagues, relationships should be based on openness, transparency and empathy.(SCIE, 2010) In health and social care there are many professionals and many of them having different roles. Some professionals, like pediatriacians, they knows how to treat children with diseases, there are dentist, who knows how to fill teeths, psycholist are knows about people feelings and they can help you, psychiatrist they are knows about peoples brain,and their behaviours, there are GPs who can prescribe medication if they think you are being sick, also there are social workers, carers, support workers, teachers, different doctors and terapheutic. These professionals are working in partenership with others because to be able to support and help people they must collaborate and work as a team. Good team work and appropriate communication will help to the vulnerable people,also is good because any work they do it can goes quicker and safer, because more people bring more ideas and more solution. In health and social care not everyone able to work together and these people must find the common word and work for the same purpose. Saving peoples lifes, heal them, or just heal their spirit is more than nothing, and thats why is very important to have professionals around us. In the Smart Care is very important to be professional, give the best service to the service users and everyone has to know about their roles. For example a new carer cannot give medication to a service user even if is emergency because they have not been trained, but a trained person can give. In our care we are working together with the GPs and also with the pharmacist and the closest dentist, also we are collaborate with therapeutics and psychologist because many of our service users are need professional support to be able to live their daily life, also carers are working together with the organisation and also with family members, but the most important and frequently relation are the carers because they are together each day and must support each other and concentrate to the work. Unfortunately this is not happening all the time, people are very poor in communication, they cannot explore themselves, they cannot help each other in a right way, because of the jelousy, and they are not honest with each other. The management of the Smart Care will do everything to support our staff and help them to become a good and an effective team and work in partnership with each individual. 3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual In the Smart Care is very important that everyone being trained and be professionals. Each carers and professional should know about heir roles their responsibilities. The Smart Care staff are responsible to support the service user rights and way they can do that is follow the organsiation procedures also follow the legislations. Collaborative working helps the service user rights. Human rights are the essential rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. In the UK, these rights are contained in the Human Rights Act 1998. If a public authority breaches or doesnt respect your human rights, you can take action under the Act. The next rights are the most applicable when you obtain health or care services: the right to respect for private and family life the right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way the right to liberty the right to life the right not to be discriminated against. (citizens advise, 2017) The right to respect for private and family life When a service user want more privacy in a care home or when they are receive care services in their own home When a service user been placed in a care home where its difficult for them to see their family and friends When the service users are being handled roughly or are not well cared for by a home care woker. (citizens advise, 2017) The service user right not to be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment The service user been sufferes serious mistreatment, neglect or very poor care in a hospital or a care home Theyve been restrained or private because of mental health problems or aggressive behavior Theyve not been helped to eat or drink when they are too weak to feed themselves. Also the Equlaity Act is very important because nobody not allow to anti discriminate the service user, everyone should respect the service user culture, ethnicity , se, age and should be treated fairly. (citizens advise, 2017) 3.3 Discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships Conflict arises from differences, both large and small. It occurs when people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or needs. from time to time these differences come into view unimportant, but when a conflict triggers strong feelings, a deep personal need is often at the core of the problem. These needs can be a need to feel safe and secure, a need to feel respected and valued, or a need for greater closeness and intimacy.(, 2017) In our organisation all staff should work as a team and our organsiation have this method to help our staff to be able to work together and provide a quality service to our client. For example: Acknowledge and own the upset before communicating with the other party or parties. Be clear about the reason for the conflict/upset. Be clear about what happened (know and present the facts). Be accountable for what you did (or did not) do to contribute to the conflict/upset. Recognize appropriate actions you can take to resolve the conflict. Communicate and have an answerable conversation with the other party or parties concerned. (Kline, 2013) References Social Care Institute for excellence, 2010, Professional Relationship Available online at Accessed on 10/01/2017 Citizens Advice, 2017, Protecting your human rights when you are using health care services Available online at Accessed on 10/01/2017 Kline M., 2013, 6 Steps for Resolving Conflict in a Professional Relationship Available online at Accessed on 10/01/2017, 2017, Conflict Resolution Skills Available online at Accessed on 10/01/2017
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Court System Structure
The state court system and the federal court system have similar codes of conduct, but they do have their differences. The state court system hears way more cases than the federal courts, and get more personally involved due to the issues being right in their own backyard. The state of California has 58 superior courts (trial courts) which reside in each of the 58 counties. It is here where any, and all, issues pertaining to civil and criminal cases, as well as family, probate, and juvenile cases are heard. This is where the bulk of California’s judiciary justice is served. If a case is appealed it is taken up the ladder to one of California’s six Courts of Appeal. According to courtinfo. ca. gov (2011), â€Å"The State legislature divided the state geographically into six appellate districts, each containing a Court of Appeal. †(About California Courts, para. 2). The Supreme Court of California sits at the apex of authority in the state's judicial system (courtinfo. a. gov, 2011). Cases that have been questioned in the Court of Appeal must be reviewed by the Supreme Court, as well as any case in which a trial court has issued the death penalty. The federal court system has a similar structure to the state court system. The lowest level is the federal district court. The district court hears the civil and criminal cases that pertain to the potential unconstitutionality or impartiality of a specific state court. Federal accusations of fraud and drug crimes can also be seen here. The next level, similar to the state court system, is the U. S. Court of Appeals. This is the intermediary appellate court level where cases that have been appealed are reviewed. Atop this is the United States Supreme Court, the highest form of authority in the country. It is here where few cases are officially sent to trial, but instead cases may be reviewed by one or a group of the justices and sent back down the line.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Problem Cell Phones Essay
A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. Disadvantages & Advantages of Cell phone According to : http://vidyaprakash. expertscolumn. com/article/disadvantages-cell-phones Cell phone is playing an important role in this modern world. It is very hard to see a person without a mobile phone. Even a little kid have the ability to access the cell phone fluently without any problem. Kids are very much interested in playing games in mobile phone and spending a lot of time with it. As we know too much of cell phone usage is not good for us and it will give some unwanted health issues. Cell phone will create some unwanted radiation which is not good for our brain. A person who is using cell for a long time will surely get health issues due to it. We must control our cell activities. Avoid using it for a long time and use it whenever necessary. Listening music using the ear phone is the new trend of the youngsters and most of the persons are interested in listening music with their hands free while riding their two wheeler. Really it is a dangerous thing which causes a lot of unwanted accidents. Most of the two wheeler accidents are happened due to this activity. Now we are living a fast life and don’t have enough time to meet our friends and family members. Simply we make a call to them and ask about their updates. Previously people will meet their friends and beloved persons directly and ask about their present status, but now it is easy to communicate with anyone using the phone and most of the persons are converted to this trend it reduce the get together and social reunions a lot. Students will get diversion with cell phones, they are spending a lot of time with cell phone chatting and browsing online through their smart phone and reduce their studying activity. Most of the students are turned as cell phone and online addicts which is a great disadvantage. There is nothing wrong in using cell phone, we must use it in a limited manner to avoid unwanted issues due to it. Statement of the problem Cell phones have recently become an asset to society. Because of this, many of the negatives to cell phone ownership have been overlooked. Just a few of these problems are : Increases the likelihood of traffic accidents Increases the risk of brain cancer Scope and Limitations The research that I will conduct is only limited to students, particularly 4th year – Springtime batch 2013-2014 II. Review of related Literatures This section presents a summary of previous research materials. Information found within this section is all found in the web and journals. Cell phones do more harm than good According to: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mobile_phone A hand-held mobile radiotelephone is an old dream of radio engineering. Arthur C. Clarke in a 1959 essay, where he envisioned a â€Å"personal transceiver, so small and compact that every man carries one. †He wrote: â€Å"the time will come when we will be able to call a person anywhere on Earth merely by dialing a number. †Such a device would also, in Clarke’s vision, include means for global positioning so that â€Å"no one need ever again be lost. †Later, in Profiles of the Future, he predicted the advent of such a device taking place in the mid-1980s The most commonly used data application on mobile phones is SMS text messaging. The first SMS text message was sent from a computer to a mobile phone in 1992 in the UK, while the first person-to-person SMS from phone to phone was sent in Finland in 1993. Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, including keeping in touch with family members, conducting business, and having access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Some people carry more than one cell phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. Multiple SIM cards may also be used to take advantage of the benefits of different calling plansâ€â€a particular plan might provide cheaper local calls, long-distance calls, international calls, or roaming. The most advantage of having mobile phone is you can communicate with your family, and friends no matter where you are. Cell phones also have applications for listening to music, playing games, and surfing the net. Besides that, there are lots of disadvantages. Using mobile phones can harm our brains, especially for those who are under the age of sixteen. Excessive use of mobile phones has been accused of causing dizziness, and â€Å"radiations emitted from the phone are harmful for the eardrum†, say many scientists. In addition, when we use mobile phones while driving it causes unwanted accidents. Negative effects of cell phones on our brain Radiation from mobile phones may cause brain tissue damage, a two-year study has found. Scientists discovered that emissions from handsets affect the delicate make-up of cells in blood vessels, and could be a health hazard to regular users of the UK’s 50million mobile phones. The radiation might disable a safety barrier in the body which protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood, they believe. It is the first time scientists have used cells from human blood vessels rather than rats, bringing researchers closer to the truth about long-term mobile phone use. Despite the millions spent on research in the last decade, the health implications of sustained use are still unclear. The biggest British study, led by Sir William Stewart, found two years ago that there was no evidence of a risk to health. A study published last year by the American National Cancer Institute also could not find a link between increased risk of brain cancer and mobile use. III. Research Methodology Research Design Name: Age: Sex: 1. How often do you use your cell phone ? 2. Do you know that using cell phone too much causes unwanted damages to the brain ? If yes. Do you believe that children below 10 years of age shouldn’t use cell phones ? 3. Is it really necessary for a person to have a cell phone ? Explain. 4. Is cell phone a disadvantage or advantage to your life ? Explain. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher will randomly ask ten (10 ) representatives out of the 37 students in the 4th year. A questionnaire was prepared by the researcher that will be used as a reference. The survey was conducted through the net. IV. Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the researcher whose main objective is to find out the different perspectives of people and to find out what kind of damage our cell phone will do to our brain and also to state some advantages of it. Through my research I’ve found out that many scientist have and will conduct research about the radiation that we can get from cell phones. Mostly scientist from America conducts these kinds of researches. I also found out that the radiation of the cell phone emits is dangerous to all of us. Especially those who are 16 years of age and below. I also found out that there is not enough proof that cell phones can really damage our brain. Someone said that it is early for us to conclude that cell phones are bad for our health. Because even scientists can’t really find the right answer to our questions. A scientist said that we don’t know what will be the impact of the radiation of the cell phone emits will do to us if we still use it for the next 10 or even 20 years. He also said that that is the reason why we need to conduct more studies. According to my survey 9 out of 10 said that they always use their cell phones. 9 out 10 said that they know that using cell phone too much causes unwanted damages to the brain. 10 out of 10 said that having cell phone is necessary because it’s time for us to upgrade and use the cell phone to communicate and because it is easier to do, it also takes less of our time if we use our cell phones as I have said in my introduction cell phones are wireless, we can use them anywhere. 5 out of 10 said that cell phones are advantages to their lives. Because it makes almost everything easy. 1 out of 10 said that it is a disadvantage because is makes us lazy. 4 out of 10 said that they pick advantage and disadvantage.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Using Microwave Astronomy To Explore the Cosmos
Not many people think about cosmic microwaves as they nuke their food for lunch each day. The same type of radiation a microwave oven uses to zap a burrito helps astronomers explore the universe. Its true: microwave emissions from outer space help give a peek back at the infancy of the cosmos. Hunting Down Microwave Signals A fascinating set of objects emits microwaves in space. The closest source of nonterrestrial microwaves is our Sun. The specific wavelengths of microwaves that it sends out are absorbed by our atmosphere. Water vapor in our atmosphere can interfere with the detection of microwave radiation from space, absorbing it and preventing it from reaching Earths surface. That taught astronomers who study microwave radiation in the cosmos to put their detectors at high altitudes on Earth, or out in space. On the other hand, microwave signals that can penetrate clouds and smoke can help researchers study conditions on Earth and enhances satellite communications. It turns out that microwave science is beneficial in many ways. Microwave signals come in very long wavelengths. Detecting them requires very large telescopes because the size of the detector needs to be many times greater than the radiation wavelength itself. The best-known microwave astronomy observatories are in space and have revealed details about objects and events all the way out to the beginning of the universe. Cosmic Microwaves Emitters The center of our own Milky Way galaxy is a microwave source, although its not so extensive as in other, more active galaxies. Our black hole (called Sagittarius A*) is a fairly quiet one, as these things go. It doesnt appear to have a massive jet, and only occasionally feeds on stars and other material that pass too close. Pulsars (rotating neutron stars) are very strong sources of microwave radiation. These powerful, compact objects are second only to black holes in terms of density. Neutron stars have powerful magnetic fields and fast rotation rates. They produce a broad spectrum of radiation, with the microwave emission being particularly strong. Most pulsars are usually referred to as radio pulsars because of their strong radio emissions, but they can also be microwave-bright. Many fascinating sources of microwaves lie well outside our solar system and galaxy. For example, active galaxies (AGN), powered by supermassive black holes at their cores, emit strong blasts of microwaves. Additionally, these black hole engines can create massive jets of plasma that also glow brightly at microwave wavelengths. Some of these plasma structures can be larger than the entire galaxy that contains the black hole. The Ultimate Cosmic Microwave Story In 1964, Princeton University scientists David Todd Wilkinson, Robert H. Dicke, and Peter Roll decided to build a detector to hunt for cosmic microwaves. They werent the only ones. Two scientists at Bell Labsâ€â€Arno Penzias and Robert Wilsonâ€â€were also building a horn to search for microwaves. Such radiation had been predicted in the early 20th century, but no one had done anything about searching it out. The scientists 1964 measurements showed a dim wash of microwave radiation across the entire sky. It now turns out that the faint microwave glow is a cosmic signal from the early universe. Penzias and Wilson went on to win a Nobel Prize for the measurements and analysis they made that led to the confirmation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Eventually, astronomers got the funds to build space-based microwave detectors, which can deliver better data. For example, the Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer (COBE) satellite made a detailed study of this CMB beginning in 1989. Since then, other observations made with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) have detected this radiation. The CMB is the afterglow of the big bang, the event that set our universe in motion. It was incredibly hot and energetic. As the newborn cosmos expanded, the density of the heat dropped. Basically, it cooled, and what little heat there was got spread over a larger and larger area. Today, the universe is 93 billion light-years wide, and the CMB represents a temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin. Astronomers consider that diffuse temperature as microwave radiation and use the minor fluctuations in the temperature of the CMB to learn more about the origins and evolution of the universe. Tech Talk About Microwaves in the Universe Microwaves emit at frequencies between 0.3 gigahertz (GHz) and 300 GHz. (One gigahertz is equal to 1 billion Hertz. A Hertz is used to describe how many cycles per second something emits at, with one Hertz being one cycle per second.) This range of frequencies corresponds to wavelengths between a millimeter (one-thousandth of a meter) and a meter. For reference, TV and radio emissions emit in a lower part of the spectrum, between 50 and 1000 Mhz (megahertz). Microwave radiation is often described as being an independent radiation band but is also considered part of the science of radio astronomy. Astronomers often refer to radiation with wavelengths in the far-infrared, microwave, and ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio bands as being part of microwave radiation, even though they are technically three separate energy bands.
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